Our Services

What we offer

One-On-One Coaching

I support your growth as a leader by asking questions so you can clarify your values, improve your decision-making skills, and take courageous action to create a healthier workplace for yourself, your colleagues, and your direct reports. I also offer CV and cover letter review for your next application.

Group Coaching

I coach groups of like-minded colleagues who want to co-create environments that support liberation, healing, and freedom for themselves and others.

Workplace Consulting

I help you improve your workplace culture:
I interview team members to identify strengths and opportunities for growth to foster healthier workplace environments in which everyone can thrive and do their best. I also provide feedback on your policies, practices, and procedures with an eye toward equity, inclusion, health, and justice.

Workshops and Invited Talks

I give targeted talks and engaging workshops geared toward inclusive leadership and healthy work culture including but not limited to:
-Co-creating healthier environments to retain top talent
-Overcoming imposter syndrome
-Discerning your next steps in leadership
-Courageous leadership in times of change
-Safeguarding your peace and avoiding burnout

The Results

Identify your gifts so that you can put them to good use in service with and for others. Great leaders aspire to create environments in which people can thrive.

— Annmarie Caño

Assumptions That Guide My Coaching

  • Each one of us has gifts to embrace. My job is to help you identify your gifts so that you can put them to good use in service to others. Great leaders aspire to create environments in which people can thrive.

  • You know where you are headed even if you cannot articulate it just yet. I ask questions to help you reflect and learn about yourself, your strengths, and the places you can grow. I support your development as an inclusive leader.

  • At some point on your journey, you will recognize you need to be free from the fears that plague you so you can grow and make a greater impact. This is exciting and scary. But you won’t be alone because I am a companion on your journey. I will also help you identify others in your circle who can accompany you in leadership.

  • My role is to help you identify ways to safeguard your peace so that you flourish (not burn out) and promote the work of others. 

  • Sometimes it’s the environment that is unhealthy and needs healing. I can help you determine whether it’s healthy enough (no environment is perfect!), whether there are changes you can make to improve the situation, or whether it’s time to find a healthier environment.

  • People who have experienced exclusion in society, especially people with multiple marginalized identities, bring skills and experiences that are essential to sustain healthy workplaces. Yet, we have not always been granted access to leadership opportunities. My job is to help you identify how you want to lead in a manner that feels right to you and is aligned with your values, not to form you into a leadership style that is inauthentic to you.