Frequently Asked Questions

  • Therapists and coaches receive training to be keen listeners and curious observers. Therapists help clients learn coping skills for better emotional health to manage psychological symptoms like depression and anxiety, and situations that cause stress. As a coach, I ask questions designed to help you learn more about yourself, your options, and the direction you want to take in your work and life. If I think that you may benefit from counseling, I will share that observation with you. I can also make referrals to therapists if you choose to pursue therapy. I’m a therapist but I’m not your therapist.

  • I use an “anti-oppressive” sliding scale for executive coaching services. I invite potential clients to reflect on their ability to meet their basic needs, caregiving for children or adults, and other obligations like loan payments.

    Use the “schedule a free consultation” button below to email or set up a call for more information.

    And let’s talk if you are interested in a workshop, keynote, or consulting so I can learn more about what you are seeking including type of program and mode of delivery (in-person or remote delivery).

  • Of course! In fact, it’s a good idea for us to talk about what you are envisioning before we both commit. Use the link below to sign up for a free 20-minute consultation.

  • Your decision is not mine to make. But I can help you gain clarity so that you can make a sound decision with confidence. I will help you explore all your options (and even discover some you didn’t realize!). I will also help you weigh the pros and cons against your personal mission and examine obstacles to making a choice. Sometimes all it takes is talking things out with a trusted partner like a coach who can remain objective and share what they see.

  • Absolutely not! My faith certainly informs my approach to listening and coaching; I try to be a “contemplative in action” to borrow a phrase from St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. I also appreciate that a rich diversity of belief systems and faiths guide people in their journeys. I will not seek to change your beliefs. I will ask how these and other belief systems inform your leadership because spirituality is an important part of who we are as human beings. We cannot (and should not) turn off a core part of who we are when we go to work.